Bathymetric Map of Lake Monona

This map is a bathymetric map of Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin. It is divided into ten foot intervals from zero to seventy feet. The base map was taken from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website. After downloading it I traced over the contour lines with the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator and created a different layer for each interval. After completing all elevation levels I went into color Brewer and picked an appropriate color scheme which provided me with eight shades of blue. I chose to go from a lighter shade to a darker shade for the shallowest area leading into the deepest since this is usually how bathymetric maps are colored. On some parts of my contour lines I traced over existing lines with the smoothing tool to make a more aesthetically pleasing map. Finally, I created a legend for my depth intervals and added a title and my name. Since the base map I used already had a north arrow and scale I decided to keep these along with the streets and other information. I decided to keep this information because I think it really makes the map stand out and gives anyone looking at it a better perspective of the surrounding area. I chose this lake specifically because it is the lake closest to my house that my dad and I always went fishing and boating on. I plan to print it up and give it to him because he loves maps and I think it would be a good way for him to mark his favorite fishing spots.


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