Trail Loop Map

This map was created by using a GPS to collect data points as August Guenther and I walked through the woods on University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. We set the GPS to record a data point for every meter that we walked. With these data points we were able to make this trail map with a reference to the campus. We added a base orthographic map to give reference to the river and the campus. We then added callouts for points of interest along the way. Overall the hiking trail was a loop which began and ended at the bottom of the hill on the lower section of campus. We also indicated that there was a trail that you could take that would lead you to upper campus instead of completing the loop. The loop itself was 1.26 miles and has many points of interest including areas of river access and an area with a bench if you need to rest along the way. This map was created by uploading data points into ArcMap and adding a base map from ArcGISOnline. We included a scale bar, a north arrow, title, source and the length of the trail. This map is geographically accurate and is compatible with the Avenza Maps app to track your progress as you walk along our trail loop. After finishing the map we tested it out with the Avenza Map app and found that it was indeed accurate and we then had our friends try and follow the trail without our help and they completed the trail loop successfully. 


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